Lunar Gatherings - Xmas Cacao Ceremony (IT/DE/EN)

Starts on Sunday, 15/12/2024
Price 30.00 €



In this Full Moon in Gemini Arianna will guide you though a Cacao Ceremony and Visualisation Journey.

In the Cacao Ceremony you will taste ceremonial pure cacao, learn the health and spiritual benefits of this plant and how to prepare it at home to transform it into a moment of well-being.

Gently shift from the head into the heart space and enter the Christmas time with an open heart and gratitude for life.

Meditation, visualisation exercises and journaling will complete the experience.



In questa Luna Piena in Gemelli Arianna ti guiderà in una Cerimonia del Cacao e in un Viaggio di Visualizzazione.

Nella Cerimonia del Cacao assaggerai il cacao puro cerimoniale, imparerai i benefici salutari e spirituali di questa pianta e come prepararla a casa per trasformarla in un momento di benessere.

Muovi l´attenzione dalla testa allo spazio del cuore ed entra nel periodo natalizio con il cuore aperto e gratitudine per la vita.

Meditazione, esercizi di visualizzazione e journaling completeranno l'esperienza.

Trainer :


Arianna Piazzi is a Yoga Teacher and Health Coach, certified by the New York Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). She combines yang yoga flows with traditional chinese medicine and yin spiritual practices like sound baths and cacao ceremonies. Her aim is to get you out of the busy daily life to rediscover joy, inspiration, creativity, lightness and pleasure, offering you an invitation to slow down and tune in to your senses.


1.15/12/202410:00 - 11:30Piavestraße 15, 39100 BozenArianna

* All prices including VAT