Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga (EN/DE)

Starts on Saturday, 26/08/2023
Price 35.00 €



  • This workshop consists of 3 hours lesson including theory and practice.
  • You will be thought the yogic breathing, Sun Salutation A and B, the fundamental and closing postures of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series and the opening and closing mantra.
  • Together we're going to create a base on which you can build a stable and peaceful self-practice. 
  • This class is suitable for complete beginners to yoga or also those experienced in yoga but new to Ashtanga.



  • Dieser Workshop besteht aus 3 Stunden Unterricht mit Theorie und Praxis.
  • Du wirst die yogische Atmung, den Sonnengruß A und B, die Grund- und Schlussstellungen der Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series und das Eröffnungs- und Schlussmantra kennenlernen.
  • Gemeinsam werden wir eine Basis schaffen, auf der du eine stabile und friedliche Selbstpraxis aufbauen kannst. 
  • Dieser Kurs eignet sich für absolute Yoga-Anfänger oder auch für Yoga-Erfahrene, die neu im Ashtanga sind.

Teacher :

Nadja & Dan

Nadja and Dan are both followers and practitioners of the philosophy of Yoga. What really delights us in this ancient philosophy goes beyond the physical body and its movements, but the philosophy and its deep wisdom of the spiritual path. Through Yoga we feel the transformation, not only in ourselves, but in everything around us: suddenly you feel at home in your own body and your mind finds focus and peace. Our love and admiration for yoga led us to the origin of this ancient practice: to India. We traveled from south to north of the country in search of improving our practical and theoretical knowledge. And on this incredible spiritual journey around Asia, we didn't hesitate to seek different sources of knowledge to follow the path that makes sense to us and suddenly, between courses and intensives, we found ourselves in Ashtanga Yoga. We currently live in Alto Paraíso, Brazil, and have a stable and assiduous practice with our Masters Matthew and Carla Vollmer who were direct students of Pattabhi Jois. Meeting ourselves every day on the mat is being a great teacher. It is a sacred moment of dedication to ourselves, a moment to honor the body that has been given us to experience life on earth and a purification to our mind. All that counts is the present moment, each breath, one at a time.


1.26/08/202317:00 - 20:00Piavestraße 15, 39100 BozenNadja & Dan

* All prices including VAT