Essential Oils Workshop: Create your own fragrance (DE/EN)

Starts on Friday, 07/07/2023
Price 65.00 €


(DE) Ist dir bewusst, dass du heutzutage bis zu 85.000 verschiedenen Chemikalien ausgesetzt bist, die Entzündungen und ein Hormonungleichgewicht in deinem Körper auslösen können? Mir war das nicht bekannt, deswegen erzähle ich dir im Workshop ein bisschen mehr darüber.

Erfahre, wo du Giftstoffen ausgesetzt bist und wie du natürliche Routinen umsetzen und wie du ein sauberes Lebensumfeld schaffen kannst, um deine tägliche Giftexposition zu reduzieren, ohne dich einschränken zu müssen! Lerne mehr über ätherische Öle und wie sie dich auf deinem Weg dorthin zusätzlich unterstützen können!

Und wir fangen direkt damit an, indem du dein eigenes, 100% reines natürliches Parfum herstellst, das deinen Körper, Geist und Seele beflügelt und die Umwelt nicht belastet.

Ein Flacon, dein eigenen Duft, eBook & Wissen über ätherische Öle sind im Preis inklusive.


(EN) Are you aware that you are exposed to up to 85,000 different chemicals today that can cause inflammation and hormone imbalances in your body? I wasn't aware of this, so I'll tell you a bit more about it in the workshop.

Learn where you are exposed to toxins and how you can implement natural routines and create a clean living environment to reduce your daily toxin exposure without having to restrict yourself! Learn more about essential oils and how they can further support you on your journey!

And we'll get you started by making your own 100% pure natural perfume that will uplift your body, mind and spirit without harming the environment.

A glass bottle with your own fragrance, eBook & essential oil knowledge are included in the price.


(IT) Siete consapevoli che oggi siete esposti a 85.000 sostanze chimiche diverse che possono causare infiammazioni e squilibri ormonali nel vostro corpo? Non ne ero a conoscenza, quindi ve ne parlerò nel corso del workshop.

Scoprite dove siete esposti alle tossine e come potete attuare routine naturali e creare un ambiente di vita pulito per ridurre la vostra esposizione quotidiana alle tossine senza dovervi limitare! Imparerete di più sugli oli essenziali e su come possono aiutarvi ulteriormente nel vostro percorso!

E inizieremo a creare il vostro profumo naturale puro al 100% che eleverà il vostro corpo, la vostra mente e il vostro spirito senza danneggiare l'ambiente.

Una bottiglietta di vetro con la vostra fragranza, l'eBook e la descrizione degli oli essenziali sono inclusi nel prezzo.

Trainer :


Amelie has always been fascinated by the human body and mind, which is why she completed a yoga training after her dual degree in fitness economics for a deeper understanding of how our different systems interact. She came across essential oils on a retreat 5 years ago - she was hooked from the start and fascinated by how the oils can help on a physical, but also on a mental and emotional level. Since then she has been supporting people to take their holistic health into their own hands and to see it as a priority in order to be able to live everyday life with more ease, joy and pleasure! Using yoga & essential oils, she offer holistic mentoring and sessions in 1:1, group sessions, workshops and retreats.


1.07/07/202317:30 - 20:00Piavestraße 15, 39100 BozenAmelie

* All prices including VAT